Composite Bonding

Composite bonding for badly worn teeth is a good treatment option to consider before considering to proceed with expensive Ceramic Veneers in London.

To correct badly broken down teeth with cosmetic treatments requires first a clear understanding of the causes, such as poor gum health and periodontal disease, and poor bite related problems. The treatment of these cases requires a multiple pronged approach of first stabilizing the gum health and ensuring the patient is motivated to maintain the long term gum health. Once stabilized, and wear related composite bonding is planned with the help of a diagnostic wax up. Once this wax up is completed, the task of rebuilding the bite and teeth with composite is undertaken. This entire process takes over 2-3 hours of chair time, following which an additional appointment is required for final adjustments for the bite and final finishing and polishing.

Special care is taken to ensure that the composite bonding is stable under the new improved bite, and bite adjustments are made. Once this bite is stable and accepted by the patient, at a later stage in life we can consider to switch the composite to ceramic once the patient has tolerated this new composite bonding well.

The average life span of composite bonding is between 5-7 years, while that of ceramic veneers is over 10-12 years. This requires meticulous planning and execution.

For more information log into our website or check out our work on instagram @chawlashravan

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